Car Shows & Events

We host events and shows throughout the year and attend monthly meetings. We enjoy touring and other activities.


Our meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month and are very relaxed and informal. Meetings are held at various restaurants around Williamsburg and consist of a social time followed by dinner and the meeting. Occasionally, there will be a guest speaker sharing car related information. Please contact us for the monthly meeting location. You are welcome to join us!

Events for car enthusiasts that will be announced in our monthly meeting minutes:

  • Cars and Coffee, third Saturday of the month, High Street next to Revolution Golf and Grille.
  • Quarterly 2 hour drives around the local counties followed by lunch, coordinated by Ron Mitchell.
  • Various car shows
For more information about these events or to RSVP, contact us. Event details will be emailed to members one to two weeks prior to each event.